
Monday, May 2, 2016

Hello....It's Me

You know you sang that! 

So, here's the deal.  I've started a blog more times than I can count and I don't think I ever got more than 10 posts in before I stopped.  I take that back.  I think my Stampin' Up blog, back in the day, may have actually had quite a few posts, but it no longer exists.  My problem was that I always tried to stick within a niche, and that's just me.  I don't fit any particular niche, unless being a crazy mom counts, but I believe that's probably too broad a category to be considered.

So, once again, I am deleting all my past posts so that I can start fresh.  Maybe I'll actually post more than five times, this go, and maybe I won't.  Who really knows at this point, but it's not like my life, or yours, will end, if I don't. 

Who am I exactly?  As mentioned above, I'm a crazy mom to four boys.  I firmly believe that if you have four boys and you aren't crazy, something's probably wrong with you.  I haven't always been crazy, but the constant state of chaos, that comes with four boys, has led me there. 

I'm also a lover of all things paper.  Yes, in this digital age, I *gasp* still use a paper planner.  I pretend that it helps me stay organized, when in all reality, it's a pretty book that I forget to look at half the time.  Which is why I'm usually one place when I'm supposed to be somewhere else.  Or why my son still has a cello that is too small for him, because I keep forgetting to call the music store to see if the bigger size has arrived.  I wrote it in my planner to call tomorrow.  Hopefully I remember.

I'm obsessed with books and my favorite author is Nora Roberts.  I own over 200 of her books and being the paper lover that I am, they are all physical copies.  No digital books for this girl.  One of my biggest dreams is to one day have my own library.  Since our house is just a tad over 1,000 square feet, I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon. 

I'm bored easily and jump from one hobby to the next fairly quickly.  I also tend to get obsessed with things rather easily.  I've decorated cakes, made my own cards and scrapbooks, and have been involved in more direct sales businesses than I can even count.

Speaking of obsessed, I rarely watch TV anymore, except for two things:  The Walking Dead and when the Red Wings are playing hockey.  Please don't mention the playoffs, because I'm still pissed that they are already out.

Honestly, I have no clue what will end up on this blog, but I thought I would give it a shot.  Maybe I'll share a recipe, every now and then, if I can manage to cook something without burning it.  Or maybe I'll share a DIY project I just finished, or home remodeling projects, since we are hopefully about to start some of those.  I'll probably even share pictures of my planner and stories about how the boys are currently driving me crazy.  I guess you'll just have to stick around to find out.

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to reading your posts! (And I have to get back into blogging myself!)
